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Manage the AWS Account Root Users of Your Organization Like a Pro
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Manage the AWS Account Root Users of Your Organization Like a Pro

·1324 words·7 mins· loading · loading ·
AWS Aws Iam Root Scp Organizations
Sergio Cambelo
Sergio Cambelo
Cloud Architect
Table of Contents

When you create an AWS account, a root user is created using the email address and password provided during the account creation process. This user has unlimited access to all resources and services in the account. Therefore, it is essential to protect this user and discourage its use for daily operations. In reality, the root user is only required in very specific situations.

How root account works in an AWS Organization

When we create an AWS account under an AWS Organization, the process is slightly different. We provide an email address that serves as the identifier for the AWS account root user, but we do not set a password. Behind the scenes, AWS generates a random password. If we later need to access the organization’s account as the root user, we can simply request a password recovery through the login console.

IAM Root Access Management

IAM Root Access Management is a new AWS IAM capability that allows centralized management of root credentials (enabling or disabling them), blocking the password recovery process, and performing privileged root actions in member accounts.

Privileged root actions in member accounts

With this feature, it is possible to perform certain root actions in member accounts, such as deleting misconfigured resource policies in Amazon SQS or Amazon S3.

As of the time of writing this post, the allowed privileged actions are:

  • Deleting an S3 bucket policy
  • Deleting an SQS queue policy

Root credentials management

This feature allows you to delete and audit the root credentials of member accounts. Additionally, it enables password recovery for specific member accounts.

The AWS Console only allows these actions to be performed on a per-account basis, meaning it is not possible to delete root credentials across multiple accounts simultaneously. To achieve root credential deletion for several accounts at once, this must be done programmatically.

By default, when a new account is provisioned, it is created with an unknown root password, requiring a password recovery to access with the root user. With AWS IAM Root Access Management enabled, any new account created within the organization now comes without a root password, and the recovery process is blocked. To gain access to the account using root credentials, you must enable the recovery option through Root Access Management, as described in the Enable root password recovery section, or by using the AWS Console.

Setup and basic usage from the AWS console

Before using Root Access Management, it must first be enabled. Let’s go through the steps to enable Root Access Management and use it from the AWS Console.

  1. In the AWS IAM Console, enable Root Access Management on the Account settings page.

    Enable Root access management

  2. Select the capabilities to enable. For this demo, we will leave the default options selected.

    Enable capabilities

  3. On the Account settings page, we can review our configuration.

    Review configuration

  4. On the Root Access Management page, we can see that the root user in the Sandbox account has the console password enabled.

    Check Root user credentials

  5. Select the Sandbox account and click the Take privileged action button. In the Privileged action section, select Delete user credentials, review the information, and click the Delete root user credentials button.

    Check Root user credentials

  6. The Sandbox account now shows a status of Not present in the Root user credentials column.

    Check Root user credentials

  7. To recover access to the root user, select the Sandbox account again and click the Take privileged action button. In the Privileged action section, select Allow password recovery, review the information, and click the Allow password recovery button.

    Check Root user credentials

Manage root credentials or perform privileged actions programmatically

Root Access Management is a useful tool for managing root credentials in our organization’s accounts, but it doesn’t allow us to manage credentials for multiple accounts at once. This feature would be helpful for large organizations with hundreds of accounts. To solve this, we could create our own automation to interact with the AWS API. Here are some examples of how to use the AWS CLI to:

  • Delete root credentials
  • Enable root password recovery

Delete root credentials

The following example illustrates how to delete the root credentials of an AWS member account.

  1. From the Management account, assume the root user in the target account using temporary credentials.

    aws sts assume-root --target-principal <Account ID> --task-policy-arn arn=arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/root-task/IAMDeleteRootUserCredentials

    sts assume-root command scopes the session to the privileged tasks that can be performed based on the task-policy-arn provided(1). AWS provides the following managed policies to scope root session actions:

    • IAMAuditRootUserCredentials
    • IAMCreateRootUserPassword
    • IAMDeleteRootUserCredentials
    • S3UnlockBucketPolicy
    • SQSUnlockQueuePolicy
  2. Use the temporary credentials to authenticate as the root user of the target account.

  3. Delete the root credentials.

    aws iam delete-login-profile

Enable root password recovery

The following example shows how to enable the root password in a member account, allowing password recovery.

  1. From the Management account, assume the root user of the target account using temporary credentials.

    aws sts assume-root --target-principal <Account ID> --task-policy-arn arn=arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/root-task/IAMCreateRootUserPassword
  2. Use the temporary credentials to authenticate as the root user of the target account.

  3. Enable the root password for the account.

    aws iam create-login-profile

    The password cannot be set in this step, as AWS generates an unknown random password. From this point, it is possible to recover the root password for the account by following the standard procedure.(2).

Limitations and Caveats

IAM Root Access Management and Control Tower

IAM Root Access Management does not work in accounts managed by Control Tower when the control AWS-GR_RESTRICT_ROOT_USER is enabled. This is because the control applies a Service Control Policy (SCP) that prevents any operation from being performed by the root user. Since IAM Root Access Management in the management account assumes the root user in the member account, it is prevented from executing any action required to manage the root user credentials or perform any privileged action.

This is the SCP that the AWS-GR_RESTRICT_ROOT_USER control applies:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Deny",
      "Action": "*",
      "Resource": [
      "Condition": {
        "StringLike": {
          "aws:PrincipalArn": [

If, for compliance reasons, you need to keep the root user locked but still want to manage its credentials or perform the allowed privileged actions from the organization’s management account, simply disable the Control Tower control AWS-GR_RESTRICT_ROOT_USER and apply a custom SCP like the following:

Please note that this is a sample SCP. Review its contents in the context of your security posture and adjust it as needed.
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Deny",
      "NotAction": [
      "Resource": [
      "Condition": {
        "ArnLike": {
          "aws:PrincipalArn": [

Manage root user credentials programmaticaly

Deleting the root password from a member account using the AWS Console also deletes all of its access keys, X. 509 signing certificates, and disables all multi-factor authentication (MFA) devices.

Programmatically, this must be done explicitly by making the appropriate AWS API calls. For example, a sample algorithm could be:

  1. Get root temporary credentials using sts assume-role.
  2. List all root user access keys with iam list-access-keys.
  3. For each access key, delete it using iam delete-access-key.
  4. List all root user X.509 signing certificates with iam list-signing-certificates.
  5. For each X.509 signing certificate, delete it using iam delete-signing-certificate.
  6. List all root user multi-factor authentication (MFA) devices with iam list-mfa-devices.
  7. For each MFA device, deactivate it using iam deactivate-mfa-device.

Wrapping up

In this post, we explored what IAM Root Access Management is, how to enable it, and how to use it via the AWS Console as well as programmatically.

We also discussed the importance of maintaining a strong security posture regarding root user usage, particularly in AWS Organizations member accounts.

Lastly, we reviewed the tool’s limitations and provided strategies to overcome them.

I hope you found this post helpful!



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